VIDEO: How to Market a Utah Home For Sale Outside the MLS

“The marketing outside the MLS made all of the difference”

See what Ron and Sandy have to say about how they sold their Roy Utah house by doing marketing outside the MLS. Another raving fan of Joel and Ann Zieve, Keller Williams Success Realty, Northern Utah Home Team.

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Video Transcript
So, Ron and Sandy, we’re sitting at the closing table. You just sold a house and bought a house. Congratulations!
Thanks! Thank you!
So, let me start out by asking you, why did you decide to sell?
We just really wanted to downsize. Our kids are all gone and it was time for us to have a more reasonably sized home. We felt like there was a lot of extra marketing that went into selling. I loved seeing my home from an aerial view. That was kind of neat. Something that is really unique. You kept in touch with us, letting us know what you were marketing, what you were doing to sell our home. And that’s nice. Sometimes you don’t hear from anybody. You don’t know what they’re doing.
Facebook, there was websites, there were different social media; instead of just the MLS. And there were statistics behind that; I’m more of a statistical kind of guy, so. We had it listed with somebody else previously and it was just on the MLS, and there was a few showings and then it just dropped off and we had nothing. So it was really nice to see that there was other marketing besides just the MLS because I think that just makes a difference.
I loved getting weekly emails so we knew exactly what was going on with the house. Any time you had an update you kept us informed. You know, good or bad news you were happy to get us involved so we knew exactly what to expect and what was happening all along and that made a big difference. We never had to call you and say, “What’s going on?”
Well, the nice thing too is even if we were looking online, it just seemed like there was a lot of houses there. It’s overwhelming, and trying to wade through all those! Whereas, when we set up our criteria and you were able to send us a list, I think that just saved us huge amounts of time. I mean, I don’t how we could even, before we were spending hours and hours in front of the computer going through all the different listings. It was kind of really stupid actually! A big waste of time, and we’re super busy so it saved us a ton of time and helped us really narrow down what we wanted. And sometimes I felt like you guys asked us questions that maybe we didn’t even realize we needed to consider that helped us kind of narrow our search and helped us to focus a little more. I thought I was going to have to look at 30 or 40 homes because, well, (She likes to look at homes!) I didn’t realize you guys would be as good at what you do! You just found exactly what we wanted and narrowed it down to a few homes and I think we only looked at 5 homes before we were able to find the home we wanted so, that really, again, saved us time. Time’s money!
I would definitely recommend you, definitely!