VIDEO: What I Did When No One Could Sell My Property

“No one could sell my property until Joel & Ann Zieve”

Learn what Steve did when he could find no one could sell his property

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Video Transcript
The selling of my land was a wonderful experience. We had it listed previously before Keller Williams, and after a year it was never shown once. Nobody ever came and contacted us. There just seemed like no interest once the real estate agent got it listed, but when we listed with Keller Williams and specifically it was with their agent Ann we got emails every week on the progress. We got emails if a new person was looking at it and what they thought about it. She was constantly on board with keeping us informed of everything that was going on, and then her husband came over and took aerial photographs of it, and Ann walked on the property and did a video of her talking about it which I think had a lot of benefit because we’ve got all kinds of people coming and wanting, making offers or saying that they’re interested. It was a very, very positive experience and even the buyers that just bought it the date of the closing was moved forward like two weeks, so we’re very, very happy with Ann especially. I think you just did a marvelous job and anything I sell in the future I am going to start with you.