Best Realtor in Ogden Valley – Our Amazing Experience

“I told them, if you want my listing, here’s what you have to do first…”

Learn about Steve and Helen’s amazing experience and how they compare it with other real estate agents they’ve worked with in the past. Why they are the best realtor in Ogden Valley.  Another raving fan of Keller Williams Northern Utah Home Team.

See all the video testimonials and endorsements here.

Video Transcript
So, Ann contacted us and asked if she could list it and I, I’m leery about Real Estate Agents and so I said, well, I have a piece of property to sell. If you sell the property, then I’ll consider you to sell the house, cause I want a Real Estate Agent that’s serious about what he or she is selling. And Ann did. She took over and got all kinds of contacts, people giving us offers. And she sold it in a very short time, and I was impressed. We’re so happy that we chose her and her husband because all the way through the process she kept us informed constantly, on a weekly basis. It was just constant, bringing people through the home. And the other Real Estate Agents would, in the past, it was kinda like “List it with us, and we’ll hope that if somebody wants exactly that house, they’ll call us and sell it”. But, in this case, Ann sold it for us. I felt good enough about how we were treated that we referred a couple of other friends. She sold their houses too, so we’re very impressed. I don’t think you’ll ever find…
It’s the personal relationship we have.
I don’t think you’ll ever find another Real Estate Agent that would do better for you than Ann and her husband.
It was a very personal relationship. And I never felt pressured. An offer came through; I just so appreciated that she would give us all information that we needed to make an educated decision. And she was willing to talk it through. Sometimes it was a half a dozen times she would have to repeat the same thing over again because we had never been this route and it was new to us. And I think more than anything, I just enjoyed the association, the relationship.
She met with us numerous times, and every time she’d call up and say, “Ok, I’ll be there at 10:00,” “ I’ll be there at 11:30.” You could look at the clock and within 1 minute, one side or other the time she said she’d be there she would ring the doorbell! I’ve never seen anybody so punctual!